The beauty in kindness

One word that is so wanting nowadays.

Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude. An expression. A look. A touch. It is anything that lifts another person.

I’m writing this as an observation at the random posts we’ve shared in the last 30 days. There’s too much gore and hate and dislikes being pushed around. It’s like a doomsday prophecy. Sad. Dark. Bitter.

While I agree that social media has bordered to the point of irritation because people use it as a tool to peddle lies and fake news, we only worsen it by sharing it. It stirs the inner anger among us. It confuses our priorities and misdirects what we need to focus on. While it is true that we need to educate the misguided lot, sometimes not minding them at all is all it takes to put out the fire.

The beauty in kindness is found in each of us. No matter how dark our past or how difficult life is. There are stories of small, yet significant, victories in the world. The laughter and joy of life. The way life should be lived seeing rainbows after the worst storm.

We need to teach one another that sharing stories of love and kindness inspires us to be better human beings in an unkind world.

We can only conquer evil by doing good. And kindness repaid for the wrong that has been done melts even the hardened of hearts.

For beauty, after all is in the eyes of the beholder.

Heaven in their eyes

Last Christmas I was mulling on giving something to my growing staff at the agency where I’m currently employed.

And yes, it’s a bit off writing this a month after Christmas. But Christmas isn’t just a holiday event that’s marked by a date on our yearly calendar wantonly being waited upon by people to remind them of an upcoming merry occasion that needed to be celebrated.

The meaning of Christmas lies in the heart of giving. We forget that the spirit of Christmas is best seen through the eyes of the recipient.

As in previous years, I donated the whole amount that I budgeted as a gift for my staff to a program that the Sacred Heart is Jesus Parish sustains. It’s called Sponsor a Child that provides the tuition fee for one year to a child in the community around us for a Montessori education.

These three kids are the recipients for the year on behalf of a donation made on behalf of the Center for Drug Regulation of the Food and Drug Administration.

The program still needs a lot of donors and each child’s program will cost only P3500 per child per year.

In our lifetime, I’m sure that people have provided us a lift in our lives chasing our dreams. That meant that some had to give up a couple of wants in order to provide our needs or pursue our dreams.

I hope that some of my readers get to share a little of what they have with those who have less in life through programs like these.

An atmosphere of being able to pay it forward is a gesture of perpetual kindness.

After all, heaven in their eyes is a tangible dream for the heart that’s willing to share.

Where you find healing, forgiveness, and love…

There’s so much anger, negative vibes and despair that’s being “shared”, “liked”, and “favorited” lately. It isn’t a healthy environment when social media becomes a fertile ground for political battles.

Tired of all the negative crap on social media, I decided to recently write about topics that can provide my friends and readers some Relative Joy.

I know that what I write isn’t as popular reading material in this day and age of “fake news”. But I’ve chosen to practice inner peace by writing to inspire. And hope that it gets passed on more than the pessimism around us.

My life is not a bed of roses. For those who personally know me, I have had my moments of disappointments, failures, frustrations, despair, and anger in life. Believe me when I say that it’s difficult to get inspiration during the worst days of your life.

Tired of fighting these angry moments, I felt that writing with the power to inspire and change the momentum of our lives was my highway to improving oneself.

I am engaging in a personal paradigm shift. Fighting the battles I need to fight. And learning the art of being kind, not only to my fellow men but to myself.

Drawing from a place of self construction than self destruction meant that I needed to admit to myself that in order to face my fears I had to appreciate truth and kindness in whatever situation, through healing and forgiveness.

Someone once said that the only way one can move on from all the hurt is to heal. To heal is to learn to forgive. To forgive those that have wronged you, including yourself. In the process of healing and forgiving, we learn to love ourselves and others as well.

Think of the highways of our lives as similar to driving.

You’ll just keep crashing if you don’t take your eyes off the rear view mirror.

The road to redemption can only achieved in that place where we find healing, forgiveness and love.

Being kind or being right?

Mark Twain once said “kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see”.

We’ve all had that moment when we decide on a matter that affects another person. It’s a difficult decision especially when it comes to work. Rules and regulations define what one needs to do. Or not do.

Often times things happen beyond our control. We can’t predict what happens in other people’s lives. An illness that debilitates a close family member, a family or someone who goes through difficult times, or worse, a death that leaves us devastated.

In the workplace, life goes on regardless of the circumstances. Upper management would always tell you to leave your problems at home. But how do you work well if issues at home hound your mind while you’re working?

In a relationship, at times we have difficulty sharing problems. Either others wouldn’t care or are looking out for themselves. It’s depressing to face your problems alone. After all, one is a lonely number.

Of course one can argue that people abuse kindness. But let’s keep it real and let karma pay back these low life creatures.

So here’s the rub. When is kindness more important than being right?

It’s a fair reminder that when people think that in the middle of their chaos, there was you to lean on, being kind will always be the right thing to do.

Kindness, after all, is an eight letter word that’s someone else’s Relative Joy.